The internship type is full-time, on-site in Milan, Italy (Via Atto Vannucci)
Compensation: 800€/month (after taxes)
Currently on-site working, with occasional remote work agreed with your mentor
If you’re a 3D game artist freshly graduated from university or academies without any work experience, this paid internship position is aimed at you!
If you’re proficient with Unity and Blender, or other 3D modeling softwares, you’ve made some projects in private on within your academic years and you want to try to work on VR application and games, continue to read!
What’s this stage about:
During your stage you will work on a main project, a VR experimental game, using Unity and Meta Quest 2 / 3. You’ll have the support of the team and personal mentorship of a Sr 3D Artist and Creative Director, and you will be teaming up with other interns to develop the main project. You will be independent to do research, concept, level design and art development while committing to deadlines and adhering to the project’s vision from the direction.
On the side you will be asked to help on small activities on other’s projects, be it analyzing, 3D modeling, lighting or optimizing assets, or experimenting with Reflectis, our immersive development platform which integrates multiplayer, users, chats and many other things.
The team developing the project will be small, so we’re looking for someone who has broad art skills and can be responsible for the artistic part of the project: do your own concept, create models, integrate them in unity, manage materials, lighting, baking, and if there’s something to optimize you will determine what and act on it. You will be expected to deal with unkowns (es: maybe you never did vfx or animations, but they’ll fall on you!), and if you have game design skills as well you’ll contribute also with this.
If you’re a designer with good artistic skills, both creatively and technically in the field of 3D, this position applies for you as well!
The internship type is full-time, on-site in Milan, Italy (Via Atto Vannucci)
Compensation: 800€/month (after taxes)
Currently on-site working, with occasional remote work agreed with your mentor